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9 Pregnancy Apps For Moms

Written by MKB Team | Oct 17, 2020 11:00:13 AM

Top Pregnancy Apps for moms to be!

Pregnancy can raise a lot of questions in your head, preparing yourself is the only answer to help you sail through this glorious experience.

Pregnancy can be quite overwhelming especially if you are a first-time mother whirling between an array of advice along with dos and don’ts. But during the overwhelming age of the world wide web, all the information about everything you need is available to you just at the tap of your finger, if you know the right sources. And in this article, we give you just that!

We understand that it could be a major leap of faith. The mother in you might be a little sceptical to trust something on the internet, we understand your concern. These apps are used by many women and were proven to be highly effective and informative.

Are you ready to take a leap of faith?


Before beginning it is imperative to know that no one app can solve all the problems you face in this journey of being a mother. Some help you keep a track of time for your medicine, while some remind you of a doctor's appointment. Some come handy with instant information like what to eat during pregnancy, getting started with your baby shopping, how to announce your pregnancy and so on! While some apps let you understand why you are feeling or behaving in a certain way, what you really need is a curated mixtape of apps that help you mount this mountain of motherhood. Let’s get started.

1. Glow Nurture

Women who are trying (or really not trying) to get pregnant might already be familiar with the app Glow. And now the S.F.-based data company, which claims it has helped over 20,000 women conceive, has launched Glow Nurture, a brand-new app for all the knocked-up ladies.

This next-generation app is a daily log-in for the new mom-to-be, allowing her to track her health and her baby’s growth, take bump selfies (and instantly email them to friends), track her weight, nutritional intake, and moods (and get alerts and guidance if anything seems out of the norm to Glow’s team of data-crunchers), keep track of all of those upcoming doctor’s appointments, and swap information and share articles with other members of the Glow Nurture community. Plus, there’s a place for your partner to view all of this information so he or she can follow your pregnancy journey right alongside you.

Available for both Android and IOS

2. Cinemama


Clicking images of your growing belly and documenting the progress every week is exactly what the CineMama app does for the nine months. In the end, the app will compile all the images into a short movie with a music track of your choice. The app helps you have a wonderful keepsake to remember this beautiful period forever.

Available for both Android and IOS

3. Indian Baby Names

Choose an Indian Baby Name from a range of over 65,000 baby names, i.e. traditional, modern, cute, short and sweet and easy to pronounce baby names. The app also provides gender and alphabet filters to keep searching easy for our users. Also, find meanings of the names before choosing one.

Available for both Android and IOS

4. Who’s your daddy


This app is for dads-to-be and also shows the lighter side of pregnancy with tongue-in-cheek humor.

Who's Your Daddy offers daily tips, pregnancy timeline, weekly updates, hospital bag packing checklist, contraction timer and baby names. This app will help first time dads understand the other side of pregnancy. The app has simple language and several useful tips.

Available for both Android and IOS

5. Fetal Doppler UnbornHeart


Aren’t you always curious to know what your baby is doing inside your womb? Of course, it must not be doing much except getting the time of his/her life in your belly, but your excitement is understandable, hence there is a solution as well. Fetal Doppler UnbornHeart helps you listen to your baby’s heartbeat while you can also make others listen to it, especially the would-be father! How exciting is that?

Available for both Android and IOS

6. Ovia Pregnancy Tracker


While gathering knowledge and listening to your baby’s heart during this special period about your life, we are sure you can’t wait for the day you give birth. Watch your baby grow, log your symptoms and learn what to expect week by week with Ovia Pregnancy! Ovia apps have helped over 13 million women and families to track your weekly progress, learn more about your baby's development, and countdown to your due date.

Available for both Android and IOS

7. Hello Belly: Pregnancy Tracker


Since the day you log into this app that you are pregnant, it will start tracking your baby’s growth and development and send you 3D images as to how at a particular point of time, the baby would be looking like during each stage of the pregnancy, isn’t that exciting?

Available for both Android and IOS

8. Pregnancy Workout Advisor


As much as we are working towards reaching the end of this journey, there is also your body which needs love, care and strength throughout this time period. Exercising is important hence; this app helps in telling what all exercises are important for you to do depending on which semester you are in.

Available for both Android and IOS

Disclaimer: Please check with your gynaecologist before beginning any exercise regime.

9. Full Term

This no-fuss app is a must-have for any expectant mother as it will time your contractions effectively. The interface is easy to use and you can start and stop the timer easily. You basically have a timer and a timing log handy with the Full Term app. It also has nifty features such as a kick counter, nutrition information, fitness tips and more.

Available for both Android and IOS

These apps will help you experience pregnancy in such a way that you might not even require a helping hand or a push to enjoy this process! But if you still find yourself in a position to not trust these applications, then write to us and we will guide you further!

Also, why don’t you share your app recommendations in the comments below and help a fellow mom-to-be?