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Tips for dads to take care of toddlers during mom’s absence ​& how parenting is an equal shared responsibility ..

Written by MKB Team | Jan 4, 2021 9:08:24 AM

If parenting was only a mother’s job it would certainly be called ‘mothering’, wouldn’t it?

In today’s world, it is imperative that Daddy takes care of some of the parenting tasks so that Mommy gets a breather from time to time. The soothing tasks for example will only help for a father to build a strong attachment with the little one.

Besides, isn’t it only fair that Mommy gets a day off sometimes to go
to the parlour, meet her friends and take a well-deserved break from
the daily and mundane chores of handling baby? That’s when Daddy
needs to step up as a knight in shining armour to take care of baby
for an entire day. If the prospect appears daunting, fear not. Help is
on the way!


Here are a few tips for dads to take care of toddlers during mom’s absence.

  • Remember that it always helps to create a schedule and follow
    it. This helps dads to get the bath time, mealtime and bedtime
    routines right. Follow the timelines religiously. For example, if
    your baby has to be fed at a certain time, you cannot be on the
    phone talking to someone at that point of time.
  • Identify an activity or game that thrills your child and indulge in
    the same together ranging from playing football to a karaoke
    session to shape sorting. Please note that watching the
    television together does not qualify here.
  •  Don’t go on a teaching spree in me-time with your little one,
    assuming that Mommy handles that bit already. Dads would do
    better being a friend as children lack friends the most in this
    new world. Give the child something to look forward to in your
    next session.
  • For dads who are petrified of being left alone with your little
    one, just think that your child is the one you cherish and love
    the most. You would travel to hell and back to protect your
    child. So, it’s no big deal if you have to step into Mom’s shoes
    for a day. Once you reaffirm that thought in your head, panic
    disappears and things become much easier.
  •  Love is the solution to most things in the world even though
    most people don’t seem to realize this. There’s nothing worse
    than a child being rejected or neglected. So, love your child like
    there’s no tomorrow. Let the hugs and kisses flow as the child
    gets the message that even if Daddy is not there, he is always
    there for me.
  •  If patience is a virtue, in the case of a child it is on top of the
    parenting list. No matter how erratic the behaviour of the child,
    you need to keep your cool. It’s not easy but yelling and
    shouting only makes matters worse. We’d suggest you behave
    the way you do with your boss. No matter how irrational he or
    she is, you never lose your cool, do you?
  • Identify the areas where your strengths lie in terms of overall
    development of your child. Most dads are good at teaching
    outdoor sports to their children while some are good with
    certain subjects like math and art.

  • Last but not the least, we’d recommend that you watch the
    movie, ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’. If the character played famously by
    Robin Williams can do it, so can you.
    A recent survey by a Mumbai institute revealed that around 70 per
    cent fathers had reduced their travel time pre-Covid era to spend a
    minimum of two hours a day with their families. This helped reduce the stress levels faced by mothers and also shattered myths an gender stereotypes. Equal shared parenting is the new normal today and is practiced by many couples in Indian households. Thankfully, the numbers are growing. But equal shared parenting is not limited to just baby-care responsibilities and also includes breadwinning, housework and me-time as well. It is a sharp deviation from the
    traditional marriage where the woman stays home to manage the
    kids and the house while the man goes to work. It is also in contrast
    to the supermom concept, where the man and woman both go to
    work but the Herculean woman also takes care of the children and
    the household tasks. Instead, both partners engage in the equal
    sharing of responsibilities by balancing their lives, balancing the
    collective life of the family and sharing the joys and pains of raising a
    Remember, when both parents work as a cohesive unit for the
    betterment of the family, it leaves an impression on the child’s mind
    as well. As they say, a child’s learning begins at home. Children learn
    about teamwork and that no work is gender-biased, big or small.
    Research also indicates that children who have experienced equal
    shared parenting display a high emotional quotient as they become
    adults. They are more equipped to take on the challenges offered in
    life in a peaceful and easy manner. So, as the famous song goes-
    Teach your children well!

    Liked what you read? We’d love to hear from you. Share your
    experiences as a dad when you had to manage your child when
    your wife was absent. Also share your views about equal shared