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Sleeping Position During Pregnancy | Safest Sleeping Position

Written by MKB Team | Oct 15, 2020 5:22:07 AM

Is sleeping on tummy advisable while pregnant?

Side, back, or stomach- What's safe and what to avoid?

Knowing the best sleeping position for yourself during the third trimester is extremely important and tricky. Now that you need quality sleep, it is, unfortunately, more difficult than ever to get. Finding the right sleep position isn't simple since the best ones, stomach and back aren’t the best picks during pregnancy. Here's everything you need to know about the safest sleeping positions during pregnancy!

Is sleeping on tummy advisable?

If your preferred position is tummy-down, that’s perfectly fine until and unless your bump starts to show up. However, experts suggest not to sleep on the stomach throughout pregnancy as the abdomen undergoes physical changes making it more difficult for you to lay on the stomach as you will have a watermelon-sized tummy. Have you already thought of giving up sleeping on tummy yet? If not, it's time.

Can I sleep on my back if not Stomach?

It is suggested that pregnant women avoid sleeping on their backs after the first trimester. Why? This position holds the entire weight of the growing uterus and baby on your back. This can trigger backaches, nausea will make digestion less efficient, can affect blood circulation, and possibly cause low blood pressure. Less-than-optimal circulation can also reduce blood flow to the foetus, giving your baby less oxygen and nutrients.

What if you find yourself resting on the back?

It's not threatening if you find yourself on your back once in a blue moon, but being on your back for a prolonged period can be problematic for the very reasons mentioned above.

Safest sleep position- Sleep On Side (SOS)

The best sleep position ideally, throughout pregnancy is to sleep on the left-hand side. What's so bad about resting on the right or snoozing in a flat position? Sleeping on your left side is encouraged as the vena cava is situated to the right of your spine this reduces the risk of swelling in your feet, hands, and ankles.

What's wrong with sleeping on the right side?

There's no clear evidence that sleeping on your right-hand side is harmful as compared to sleeping on your left side. If you have an otherwise healthy pregnancy and absolutely can't sleep on your left, rolling over to the right is probably nothing to worry about. In fact, it might be better for you to switch on the right as not getting enough sleep may be much worse.

Enjoy the sleep life while it lasts.

How to sleep comfortably with a belly that big?

A good and trusted pregnancy pillow will be your best friend during this uncomfortable time. It is long enough to provide you the support that you need for the entire body. If you experience heartburn, try propping your upper body with soft pillows or cushions& make sure you rest in a tilted position, so the stomach acids are where they belong.

Slip into loose and comfy maternity wear and avoid tight clothes. Laying on the bed may not always be comfortable so you can rest yourself on a comfy and cosy recliner chair or a sofa. Keep the same pattern and position for your day naps and night sleep so that your body can get used to it.

Sleeping during pregnancy can be challenging, but will you not want to pick the safest sleeping position for you and your baby, no matter how challenging it gets? Share your hacks for sleeping like a baby in the comment section below for other moms-to-be.