MomsKnowBest - The A-Z Of Childcare

Normal Delivery V/s C-Section

Written by MKB Team | Jan 29, 2021 2:30:00 AM

It’s a staggering statistic that almost one third of all mothers give birth through C-section today as opposed to a normal delivery. Out of these C-section or Caesarean deliveries, some surgeries are planned or chosen by mothers and some are decided upon by the doctors/ parents mutually after the process of labour is already underway because of some complications that may have risen.
Although a normal delivery is always feasible, doctors may decide upon a C-section if it is thought to be safer than the former for medical reasons like a larger baby than normal or pregnancy with multitudes. Other factors might influence this choice like a breech presentation where the baby is positioned feet-first instead of head-first, and if the mom suffers from maternal medical issues such as
high blood pressure, diabetes or a heart ailment.

Emergency C-sections may be decided upon while in labor in case it
doesn’t progress smoothly because of complications like the foetus
being in distress, a placental abruption or a prolapsed umbilical cord.
An emergency C-section ensures that the lives of both mother and
baby are not endangered.

Normal Delivery versus C-Section
A normal or vaginal delivery lasts for 12 to 14 hours for first time mothers, although the time frame narrows down considerably in the case of a second or third delivery. The mother experiences uterine contractions similar to the feeling of maximum menstrual cramps.
These contractions move the baby’s head towards the vaginal opening, where it emerges after pushing. The choice of painkillers is there for moms while some women prefer to go medication-free and endure the pain.
A C-section delivery, on the other hand, normally takes 45 minutes from beginning to end, and the baby is born in the initial 10-15 minutes. The doctor makes an incision into the abdominal wall and another incision in the wall of the uterus through which the baby is delivered. The umbilical cord is then cut and the placenta removed. Finally, the incision is closed.
The risks of a C-section delivery could involve complications like infections of the uterine lining and incision; excessive bleeding or haemorrhage; injury to the bladder or bowel during surgery; negative reactions to anaesthesia; and blood clots like deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism. However, these C-section complications are rare, and the surgery is normally considered safe for both mother and child. However, babies sometimes do develop respiratory issues especially
if born before 39 weeks. Also, as the mothers technically do not undergo labor while delivering their babies under a C-section delivery, the babies are devoid of the benefits that are reaped by babies born under normal delivery.

The question many mothers opting for a second pregnancy today ask
is this:
I had a C-section with my first child. Now that I'm pregnant with my
second, I'd really like to try to have a vaginal delivery. But is that safe both for me and my baby?

This question arises as many women who have had a C-section delivery as first time moms are keen on a normal or vaginal delivery for their second or later births. This is also because for many years, women who had a C-section were encouraged to skip vaginal deliveries altogether and schedule C-sections for all future births. Thankfully, today with the advent of medical science a VBAC or a
vaginal birth after C-section is considered a safe option for many women and their babies. Also, with a vaginal delivery you can come home quickly and recover faster.
For more information on VBAC, refer to our article titled ‘Can I Have a Vaginal Birth If I Had a Previous C-Section?’

The article link is given below for your perusal.

A small word of advice to parents is to choose their doctor well and
then, once the trust is established, go by the advice of the medical
expert completely. Although a normal delivery is always
recommended, it doesn’t matter really what the mode of delivery is
as long as the baby that arrives is a healthy one. Amen to that!

Did you enjoy reading this article? What’s your pregnancy choice- A
normal or C-section delivery and what are the reasons behind this
choice? We’d love to hear from you. Do write in! We’d also love to
answer any queries that parents might have in our popular Q&A
session, where you ask and we answer!

Q & A
You ask and we answer!

What is better, a normal delivery or a caesarean?
Maitrayee Ramakrishnan, Chennai.
It depends on the circumstances actually. Generally considered safe,
it is true that Caesarean or C-section deliveries do have more risks
than normal or vaginal births. Plus, moms can go home sooner and
recover quicker after a vaginal delivery. But C-sections can help
women who are at risk for complications, avoid dangerous delivery-
room situations and can be a lifesaver in an emergency.

What is more painful, a C section or natural birth?
Parul Gupta, Raipur
In general, most people experience more difficulty, pain, and longer
recovery times with caesarean birth than with vaginal, but this is not
always the case. Sometimes, vaginal birth that was overly difficult or
caused extensive tearing can be just as, if not more, challenging than
a C-section delivery.

Is it possible for a normal delivery after C section?
Niloufer Taraporewala, Mumbai.
If you have already had a caesarean birth (also called C-section), you
may be able to have your next baby vaginally. This is called vaginal
birth after caesarean (also called VBAC). You may be able to have a
VBAC if your pregnancy is healthy and the incision (cut) in your last C-
section was low transverse.

How long does it take to deliver a baby by C section?
Mia Mukherjee, Kolkata
How Long Does a Caesarean Surgery Take? Though every woman's
situation is unique, the delivery of a baby via caesarean may take as
little as 15 to 20 minutes, with a further 45 minutes needed to stitch
up the uterus and abdominal incision.