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Newborn Baby Shopping Checklist- Essentials to buy

Written by MKB Team | Oct 17, 2020 10:41:04 AM

Baby essentials for every season

Here are all the essentials you need to buy before the baby's arrival

Are you stressed about what to stock up on before the baby arrives? Let us tell you it doesn't matter if this is your first baby or fifth. Being a mother, you will always be stressed, and there are a handful of preparations to be done before the arrival of the little one.

So, what should you stock up on before the baby arrives? Well, there will be certain obvious things but don't forget ladies, your life is going to change. You're going to be a MOM, and do you think it'll be easy for you to run to the store? Other than the baby-proofing your house, investing in baby-friendly gadgets, sterilizers, there are multiple other things you need to stock up on to avoid the post-baby phase from being more hectic than it has to be.

MKB PRO tip: Take that pretty planner out and make a list.

Stock up on things for your little bundle of joy while you're still pregnant and feel prepared for his arrival. Here's what we suggest.

1. Crib:

Buy a baby crib or a bassinet before time as this isn't something you will want to use until after the baby gets home. It takes a lot of time to assemble. A crib is also a safe space for the baby to sleep.

Pro Tip: A bassinet can be kept next to your bed for mid-night feedings before your baby is ready for the crib-to-bed transition. You can also invest in this 11 in one multi-functional crib.


2. Swaddles:

Swaddles help your baby feel cosy and snug, just as the baby used to be in the womb. There are pre-made swaddles that you can simply Velcro or zip in place, as opposed to creating one form of a blanket.

3. Diapers

Even though you'll always need diapers, don't stock multiple boxes. You might find that your baby needs a different size than you already have, or doesn't stick to one particular brand.


4. Wipes:

Keep wet wipes in locations like bathrooms, living room, bedroom, changing station, car, in your bag. Like diapers, avoid stocking them up too until you don't know your baby is not sensitive to it.

5. Baby toiletries and household supplies:

Babies do not need much with the toiletries but they require a few items like shampoos, creams, body wash, sanitizers, etc. Make sure you don't run out of stock.

6. Nursing Pillow:

So, if you have a nursing pillow for your baby, it will be very comfortable to breastfeed your little one. You can start practicing it from day one. Infant pillows can also be very useful as it is a very convenient way to rest your baby down at an incline when you need your hands.

7. An extra set of bed sheets:

Washing the crib sheet in the middle of the night is not something you would want to do. So, having an extra pair of sheets will always be a must. Having three-four sets of sheets should be enough. 

8. Cleaning supplies:

Multi-purpose cleaner, laundry detergent, baby safe dishwashing tablets are all you need. These supplies should not be out of stock as they are very very important. Don't you agree?

9. Postpartum kits:

Preparing this kit is very essential for a healthy recovery after the delivery of the baby. The postpartum care should include peri bottle, perineal cold packs, perineal spray, pads, disposable postpartum underwear, flushable medicated wipes, thin transition pads, etc.

Is your shopping list ready now? What else do you think you should buy before the baby's arrival? Share with us in the comment section below.