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How to Stay Hydrated During Pregnancy, Why it is Important?

  • October 17, 2020
  • MKB Team

What is Hydration?

Check out how hydration can do wonders for you and your little one and how to keep your water levels on point.

Water is highly significant to keep our complex systems working smoothly and helps us absorb the nutrients and flushes out the toxins from our body. Drinking enough water is important for every person pregnant or not. BUT when you're pregnant it becomes all the more important. Wondering why? Might be difficult to believe it at first, but water directly or indirect is what gives life to a baby. It helps the body produce more blood, build new tissue, absorb nutrients, enhance digestion, flush out wastes and toxins and most importantly form amniotic fluid. This fluid is important for providing nourishment and cushioning to the baby while supporting their growth. And guess what? This fluid is 98% made of water. As the demand of the body increases during pregnancy so does the need for the water intake. Water is also essential for avoiding dehydration and constipation. Dehydration calls for some serious issues during pregnancy. It can have a direct impact on yours and your baby's health and can lead to contractions. Staying miles away from dehydration is the key to a happy and healthy pregnancy.

Here are some quick ways to keep yourself hydrated all the time.

1. Never wait till you are Thirsty

Thirst is a sign of dehydration. Instil a habit of drinking water at regular intervals so that you never reach the point where you actually feel thirsty. Having a water bottle handy at all times will be immensely helpful. Keep it near your resting bed, your TV-couch, your work desk or your handbag and all such places where you spend the big chunks of the day. Hydration on the go makes it so much more manageable.

2. Avoid everything that's ice-cold, steaming hot, caffeinated or high in sugar!

Ditch everything that's too cold or too hot. We'd suggest you switch to reasonably cool and pleasantly warm fluids. As drinks with extreme temperature can trigger stomach pains and can leave you feeling sick or uneasy. On the other hand; instead of increasing the hydration levels, high sugar fluids and caffeinated drinks will just do the work of worsening your dehydration. (So, avoid drinking your iced white chocolate mocha until it's the right time again.)

3. EAT your water- OH, we mean hydrating foods!

Hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables will not only keep your water levels high but will also provide your body with the much-needed nutrients. Don't forget to pick up some watermelons, strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes and broccoli on your trip to the grocery store! But wait, this does not mean you can entirely skip those extra litres of water, simply combining the two could be a great idea!


4. Keep a check if you're drinking enough water.

Sipping just 10 glasses of water or a couple of extra litres than your regular intake is not the right way to do it. (But you can surely consider that as a reference.) Everybody and every pregnancy differ and has its own requirements, what we'd suggest, is to drink enough water to avoid feeling dehydrated. You can keep a track on the basis or your urine colour. If it's pale yellow or almost clear know that you've aced the water drinking game, If it's darker yellow you're probably drinking less than required so adjust accordingly.

5. Experiment with water to make it more delicious and inviting!

Try squeezing in some citrus fruits like fresh lemons, limes, oranges or maybe crushing in some SWEET ones would also be great. (You can never go wrong with raspberries and strawberries!) Avoid using additional sugar or unnatural flavour. Herbal teas or fruit teas can surely make the whole water drinking deal far less challenging.


6. Let drinking water be the first and the last activity of your day!

Drink a warm glass of water the first thing you get up in the morning. Adding some honey and lemon would make it just perfect. It's a wonderful natural cleanser and will help greatly in detoxification, digestion and in relieving constipation. On the other hand, while you sleep the body is at rest which means no water for about seven to eight hours and this dehydration cannot be avoided but can be made better by drinking a small cup of water 15-20 minutes bed. (Doing just that would do the magic, try it!)


Ladies, you have to remember that your water drinking levels have a direct impact on yours and your baby's health so don't forget to use the above-mentioned tricks to increase your water intake and keep yourself sufficiently hydrated. We're sure you can do it right!) Now don't shy away from answering a couple of questions! Tell us real quick in the comments below, how much water do you generally drink in a day?

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MKB Team

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