MomsKnowBest - The A-Z Of Childcare

Building Self Confidence In Kids

Written by MKB Team | Oct 10, 2020 11:09:53 AM

Tips to raise confident children


Do you have what it takes to raise a child with high self-esteem? Fret not, we are here to save the day!

Being a mom is like invariably being on a roller coaster ride. It involves so much energy, effort, frustration, anger, worries, gratefulness and unexampled happiness all at once.In the constant pressure of doing what's best for your child, you sometimes overburden yourself! At one moment you're the happiest mother and then in the next moment, you can't imagine anyone being more stressed than you. 

But still, here you are sailing through all the hard days with as little as a complaint. Ever wondered why? Why do MomsKnowBest? Here's why: It's the result of a healthy balance of confidence in your strengths and wisdom to spot your shortcomings allowing you to work on getting better.

Rightly said by Alvin Price “Parents need to fill a child’s bucket of self-esteem so high that the rest of the world can’t poke enough holes to drain it dry.”

Building and nurturing your child's self-esteem is one of the most important responsibilities and has to be on the top of your parenting to-do list. You don't want the lack of self-confidence to block their path towards their dreams and goals, do you? 

We all know mastering the art of self-confidence is not a cakewalk, it is not something that a child will learn overnight and hence, MKB has compiled a list of suggestions that you may use to help your child build healthy, positive and lasting self-esteem:

1. Accept mistakes and failures without judgement.

Let your kids make mistakes. Don't be angry, don't shout, instead tell them where they are wrong and how they could do better next time.

Let them know we're all humans and it's okay to goof up sometimes. Tell them just because you did not appreciate their actions, doesn't mean you don’t appreciate all the other good things that make them who they are. This will encourage them to rise higher than their shortcomings.

2. Shower your kids with unconditional love and always make them feel valued

Never lose a chance to show your kids how much you love them and what they mean to you.

Appreciate and celebrate all their achievements while making them learn lessons from their failures. Accept them as who they are irrespective of their strengths and weaknesses. This will make them feel great about themselves and motivate them to do better in life.

3. Make them independent and appreciate their accomplishments

Give them age-appropriate responsibilities.

Something as simple as feeding the cat, arranging the books in the shelf or setting the table. Appreciate them on completing these tasks. This develops a strong sense of independence and pride in them, thereby making them confident enough to carry out simple tasks on their own.

4. Let them master a new skill.

Every child is wonderful and unique in their own way.

Help your child identify what makes them different and makes them stand out. Encourage your child to learn a new skill. Let them find their inner talent. Mastering a unique skill makes the children feel confident about themselves. At times, you can also ask them to teach you some of her skills. This will make your child feel good about having learnt an uncommon quality. 

5. Show interest in their talks and give them undivided attention.

Listen to your kids when they talk, understand what they're saying (without being busy on your laptop). Ask general questions like how their day was, what did they like the most about the new class or who is their favourite teacher. Having one on one conversation with your children makes them feel you're interested and tells them that they are important to you, which will indirectly help boost their self-confidence. 

6. Don't compare.

Never compare your child to anyone else. Every child has their own speed and capabilities.

Comparisons with others will negatively affect their behaviour, will demotivate them and will badly hit their self-esteem. Don’t burst their balloon of self-esteem with harsh words of comparison.

7. Share your experiences and what you've learnt from it. 

A child observes every action of their parents and often replicates their behaviour.

This can make it easier for you to build your child's self-esteem by simply demonstrating your own. Express your self-confidence and how believing in yourself makes you feel stronger and happy.

Out of the hundred things that we want to give our children, self-esteem is one of the most precious gifts. Children with high self-esteem know their self-worth, appreciate their abilities, have great confidence and perform well in every situation that life pins them into. So go ahead moms, teach your child the much-needed art of self-esteem and self-love from their younger years. We're sure they'll love you a bit more for this in the years to come by! 

Now, don’t be shy to share an experience or habit that helped your child develop self-confidence.