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How to beat morning sickness during your pregnancy?

Written by MKB Team | Oct 15, 2020 9:35:28 AM

Morning sickness and how to beat it?

We hope it doesn’t come to this for you! But if it does, we are going to get you out of this phase that feels like a nightmare!

If you’re newly pregnant, congratulations! There’s so much to look forward to! Fingers crossed you don’t get morning sickness. But in case you do, we made a list of ways to help you manage it while you are at it!

We’re not sure why it’s still called “morning sickness” because that is a dang lie. Most women who battle with the symptom, they feel sick ALL DAY, every day, sometimes for months! Morning, noon, night, and everything in between. Despite being miserable with the constant sickness, you can’t really live the sloth life and curl up in bed all day (as much as you want to), you must get out of this misery by taking necessary efforts to be better! Don’t worry, we are here with some tried and tested tips to get you up and running soon. Get reading!

These are the simple hacks of accepting, surviving and fighting the MS!


Drink lots of water as it keeps the body hydrated, and drinking water regularly improves digestion. Have small and frequent sips of iced water than a full glass at a time.

Ice chips: They are great for keeping you hydrated without feeling like you have to constantly drink down something. If you’re looking for more hydration tips without having to have boring water, try Gatorade ice chips. Grab a bottle of Gatorade and pour it into an ice tray and freeze it. You can just suck on these cubes and you can keep hydrated, get your electrolytes that you need and have a little flavour.

Watermelon: This is great as the fruit is mainly made up of water. This is good at helping you to stay hydrated while the sugars from the watermelon fruit can help fight against nausea.

Ginger ale: Ginger ale is known to be the go-to drink when anybody has a belly ache. Between the carbonation and ginger, it’s good to help settle the stomach.

Alternatively, you can also have Non-caffeinated carbonated beverages like 7-Up, and Sprite to get relief from nausea.


Never let your stomach get empty. It’s hard because the last thing you want to do after you throw up is to eat, but you got to do what you got to do mom-to-be!

Crackers: Bland boring crackers are good to get a little something in your system without overloading your upset tummy.

Mashed Potatoes: Plain mashed potatoes are good to have around. A little something in your system and something easy to get down.

Greek Yogurt: If you can stand the taste/smell/texture of it. A nice serving of simple Greek yoghurt is good to get into your system.

Almonds: This high-protein snack helps soothe morning sickness. Eat almonds at night before going to bed.

Onions: Onions contain sulphur, which helps in reducing the vomiting sensation. Extract fresh onion juice or mix it with ginger juice and have it as you feel nauseous.

Ginger: One of the best herbal medicines for morning sickness, ginger works well on the digestive system by reducing the acidity in the stomach. The smell or the flavour of ginger helps you get over nausea or vomiting.

Lemon: Lemons are also a natural remedy that can help prevent nausea. After your breakfast or during the day, stay hydrated with water flavoured with some organic lemon wedges. Also, breathing the smell of lemon can relieve your nausea.

Mint leaves: Mint is not only refreshing and cooling, but also helps you get rid of the nauseous feeling. Chewing a few leaves of mint or simply smelling it can help you get rid of this pregnancy symptom.



A pregnant woman’s sense of smell is no joke. You will learn very quickly that any potent fragrances would quickly trigger your gag reflex. Steer clear of your beau’s strong perfume that otherwise was your favourite fragrance, and don’t go anywhere near a food court. All those fragrances and aromas will likely turn your stomach upside down.


Get out and get some exercise. Discuss your plans for light exercise with your OB before you start any new programs. At the very least, you can get out and go for a walk.

It helps fight nausea and increases blood flow to your intestines to aid in proper digestion. If you find that sitting in the same stuffy room brings on the morning sickness then make sure to get up and move about.


We are sure you don’t have to be told, but, rest when you can. You may even find yourself more tired or exhausted more quickly during your first trimester. Don’t worry, it usually gets better by your second trimester. Unfortunately, it will most likely return in the third trimester.

Always make sure you check with your doctor before you try any natural remedies, change anything in your diet or treat yourself to a spa day when you’re not feeling well. Even the tiniest changes can be a big deal when you’re pregnant, so treat your doctor like your new best friend and tell her everything, even if you don’t think it’s significant.

Pregnant ladies! How do you deal with morning sickness? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below.