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Health Benefits of Sweet Potato For Moms To-Be & Kids

Written by MKB Team | Nov 1, 2021 5:30:00 AM

Sweet potatoes are neither potatoes or yams. Sweet potatoes are different from both of them and are the store-house of nutrition. Let’s learn more about sweet potatoes.

Sweet potatoes are the large and starchy roots of their plants. The tuberous roots taste sweet, thus making them popular throughout the world. It is widely believed that sweet potatoes originated from the tropical regions of Central and South America. 

Due to their high adaptability, sweet potatoes are cultivated throughout the tropical and warm regions of the world. It has smooth skin and it can be yellow, red, orange, brown, purple and beige in colour. The storage roots contain large amounts of starch along with other vital nutrients. It is highly beneficial for the human body if utilized properly. 

Nutritional Profile:

100 gm of sweet potato contains:

  • 91 calories
  • 76.03 gm water
  • 21.12 gm carbs
  • 1.65 gm protein
  • 0.2 gm fat
  • 1.8 gm fiber
  • 22 mg calcium
  • 0.89 mg iron
  • 22 mg magnesium
  • 312 mg potassium
  • 23 gm sodium
  • 26.4 mg Vitamin C
  • 4790 µg beta carotene
  • 399 µg Vitamin A

Sweet potatoes also contain zinc, copper, manganese, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, Vitamin B6 and folate.

The Many Health Benefits of Sweet Potato for Kids and Adults:

People often avoid sweet potatoes for their high carbohydrate content. However, they are full of essential vitamins and minerals. Some of the benefits of consuming sweet potatoes are:

Weight management: Sweet potatoes are full of complex carbs and can hold a lot of water. Sweet potatoes may keep you full for a longer time. If your hunger is satiated, there are fewer chances of binging on junk foods and you will be able to manage your weight loss journey effectively. 

Healthy eyesight: Sweet potatoes are a good source of Vitamin A and beta carotene. Both of them are essential for maintaining good eyesight. A deficiency of Vitamin A can be damaging for your eyes. Therefore, sweet potatoes are an essential part of the human diet.

Blood sugar level: Complex carbohydrates and fiber can be helpful in regulating healthy blood sugar levels. They prevent insulin spikes in your blood and decrease the risk of developing high blood sugar. Sweet potatoes are known for their high complex carbohydrates and fiber content. Therefore, it can help you with your blood sugar level.

Improves high blood pressure: Potassium is an essential mineral to control high blood pressure. You can get about 312 mg of potassium from 100 gm sweet potatoes. If you want to maintain a stable blood pressure level, consuming sweet potatoes may be helpful.

Benefits of Consuming Sweet Potato during Pregnancy:

Provides required energy: With almost 22 gm carbs per 100 gm, sweet potatoes are a powerhouse of energy. With a little bundle of joy growing inside you, you require sufficient energy for the proper development of your baby. You can easily add sweet potatoes to your meals to be energetic throughout the day.     

Supports the growth of the foetus: Sweet potatoes provide vitamins like Vitamin A and C which are essential for the proper growth of your child. Not only that, Vitamin C gives the mother a strong immune system to handle any kind of disease during the pregnancy.

Relieves constipation: Many women struggle with constipation during their pregnancy period. The fiber in sweet potatoes acts as a laxative and can help you keep constipation at bay.

Helps with morning sickness: For most women, morning sickness is a constant companion during the first trimester. Some women might experience these symptoms in the second trimester as well. Vitamin B6 helps in relieving morning sickness. Loaded with Vitamin B6, sweet potatoes can rescue you from the vicious cycle of nausea and loss of appetite.

Risk of Consuming Sweet Potato during Pregnancy:

A healthy food option like sweet potato can sometimes show adverse effects in people especially during pregnancy. Here are some of the side effects of over-eating sweet potatoes:

  • Fiber can upset your stomach if consumed excessively. Sweet potatoes are high in fiber and they can bloat you very easily.
  • Sweet potatoes are starchy roots with a high amount of carbs in them. If you are overweight and have diabetes, you should try to avoid sweet potatoes during pregnancy.
  • Sweet potatoes have higher levels of oxalates in them. Women with a history of kidney issues should consult their doctor before adding sweet potatoes to their diet.
  • Too much Vitamin A can be dangerous during pregnancy. Sweet potatoes contain a high amount of Vitamin A so you should always be careful with your Vitamin A consumption during your pregnancy

The Tasty Way of Including in Your Diet:

Sweet potatoes are extremely delicious and can be used in various ways. Here are some of the best options to eat sweet potatoes healthily during pregnancy:

  • Dice some sweet potatoes, sprinkle some salt and pepper on top and bake them in an oven. The baked sweet potato chips are way more delicious than you can think of. You can also drizzle a little oil on them if you want.
  • You can boil the sweet potatoes and mash them with some salt, pepper and herbs. This is one of the healthiest and tastiest ways of adding sweet potatoes to your diet.
  • You can also bake with mashed sweet potatoes. It will make your baked goods moist and will give them a natural sweetness.

Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About Sweet Potatoes:


  1. George Washington, former president of the US, was a sweet potato farmer before he decided to be a general.
  2. The sweet potato plant is not winter-friendly. It requires a temperature of 24 C with sunshine and warmth.
  3. Sweet potatoes are available in different colours like orange, white, yellow, red and purple.


Sweet potatoes are loaded with nutrients and can be a very healthy treat option. However, make sure to have them in moderation to avoid any complications during your pregnancy.