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Health Benefits of Bananas for Moms To-Be & Kids

Written by MKB Team | Sep 29, 2021 9:30:00 AM

Banana is perhaps one of the most consumed fruits in the world and is accepted by all cultures globally. Botanists believe that bananas are one of the first plants to be cultivated by man. 


Bananas are widely popular owing to their sweet taste and availability throughout the year. We should not also forget the nutritional value they offer. They are often consumed fresh, but you can use them in several recipes like chips and baked goods. Bananas should be a staple in your diet, especially during your pregnancy.


Nutritional profile:

100 gm of banana contain:

  • 89 calories
  • 23 gm carbs
  • 1.1 gm protein
  • 0.3 gm fat
  • 2.6 gm dietary fibre
  • 358 mg potassium
  • 7 mg calcium
  • 0.29 mg iron
  • 14% Vitamin C of DV
  • 20% Vitamin B6 of DV
  • 6% magnesium of DV

The Many Health Benefits of Banana for Kids and Adults

Bananas are packed with nutritional values, which is why they can be very beneficial for human health. Here are some of the benefits banana offers:


Improves mood: Bananas are commonly known as happy food because of their mood upliftment properties. Tryptophan is a kind of protein that boosts serotonin secretion in the body. Serotonin is a happy hormone that helps stabilize your mood. Bananas are rich in tryptophan, thus making them ideal for promoting good mental health, regular sleep schedule, and food intake. Bananas also contain Vitamin B, which naturally manages a healthy mind.


Improves digestive health: A medium-sized banana may contain about 3 gm of fibre. As a rich source of fibre, bananas may promote digestive health.


Aids weight loss: Bananas have fewer calories compared to the junk foods you like to binge on. Including more vegetables and fruits like bananas may help you control your calorie intake throughout the day. The fibre in bananas keeps you full and benefits your habit of overeating. 


Regulates blood pressure: Potassium is highly beneficial for controlling high blood pressure. A potassium-rich diet may help you keep a check on your blood pressure level. Bananas are a good source of dietary potassium and deliver around 10% of your daily potassium needs. Therefore, it is a good idea to include bananas in your diet for optimal blood pressure levels.


Benefits of Consuming Banana during Pregnancy

Fruits can curb your craving for sweets during your pregnancy. Adding fruits like bananas is a healthy way to satiate your hunger. Here are some other benefits of consuming banana during pregnancy:

Promotes digestion: If you face digestive issues during your pregnancy, it is undoubtedly making you more stressed. Bananas with their rich fibre content may promote a healthy gut and healthy digestive system. On the other hand, fibre is a laxative that can be beneficial for relieving constipation.


May cure morning sickness: Morning sickness is the most common issue women face during their early pregnancy. Bananas are packed with dietary Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 can cure morning sickness and relieve you from symptoms like nausea and vomiting. 


Provides energy: You need the power to function correctly and for the proper development of your child. Bananas are rich in carbohydrates and can supply instant energy.


Keeps you full: You may want to manage your weight during your pregnancy. However, you may find it hard to control your cravings. Bananas not only satisfy your craving for sweets but also keep you full because of their fibre content. This way, it may help you manage your weight during your pregnancy.


Aids proper development of the baby's nervous system: Vitamin B6 is vital for the appropriate development of your baby's central nervous system. Therefore, introducing bananas into your diet can be beneficial for your baby's health. 


Risk of Consuming Banana during Pregnancy:

Bananas are entirely safe to consume during pregnancy. There are almost no adverse effects of eating bananas. However, in some exceptional cases, you may need to watch your banana intake.  

  • Women with gestational diabetes have a high blood sugar level, which can affect both them and their babies. Such women should consult their doctor before eating bananas regularly.
  • Banana allergy is very rare. Studies show that people with natural rubber latex allergies can react to bananas. So, if you are allergic to bananas, you must avoid them during your pregnancy at any cost. 


The Tasty Way of Including Bananas in Your Diet:

Bananas are best eaten freshly. Still, if you want to add them to your recipes, there are a whole lot of ways to add them to your dishes. By using them in your foods, you can sweeten your foods naturally without having to add any additional sugar. 

  • Oatmeal is a great breakfast option. You can mash bananas and add them to the oatmeal while cooking it. Otherwise, you can slice the banana and use it as topping to your oatmeal.
  • Baked items like muffins, bread, and cookies taste even better with bananas in them.
  • You can prepare smoothies and shakes with bananas. 
  • Banana chips are a smart snacking option. It can be a healthy snack option during your pregnancy.


Fun Facts You Didn't Know About Bananas:

  1. Bananas share 50% of human DNA.
  2. Bananas are scientifically known as Musa sapientum, which means fruit of the wise men.
  3. Due to low density, bananas float in the water.
  4. Bananas are classified as berries.
  5. In total, there are more than 1000 varieties of bananas. 


Bananas can provide many essential nutrients which you need during your pregnancy. However, eat bananas in moderation as more of anything can be bad for your health. Eat 1-2 medium-sized bananas a day, and you will be just fine.