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Health Benefits of Avocados for Moms To-Be & Kids

Written by MKB Team | Sep 29, 2021 8:30:00 AM

Avocados have a long history. Avocados are native to south-central Mexico. Archaeologists have found the existence of avocado cultivation dated back to 750 BC Inca civilization. It is also believed that Mexico has been cultivating avocados since even before 500 BC. However, modern avocados originated between 7,000 and 5,000 BC. It was only in 1871 when it was introduced to America by Judge R. B. Ord of Santa Barbara. Since then, researchers have left no stone unturned to improve the fruit because of its commercial potential.

Avocados have become very popular in the food industry lately. But, do you know enough about this super nutritious fruit. Well, let’s find out. 

Nutritional Profile

100 gm of raw California Avocado have:

  • 72.3 gm water
  • 167 calories
  • 1.96 gm protein
  • 15.4 gm fat
  • 8.64 gm carbohydrate
  • 6.8 gm fiber
  • 507 mg potassium
  • 13 mg calcium
  • 54 mg phosphorus
  • 8 mg sodium
  • 8.8 mg Vitamin C
  • 89 μg folate
  • 271 μg Lutein & zeaxanthin

The Many Health Benefits of Avocado for Kids and Adults

Keeps high blood pressure at bay: Avocados are listed very high among the high potassium fruits, even higher than bananas. Potassium is an essential mineral that is related to healthy blood pressure level. It can significantly help in relaxing the blood vessels allowing optimal blood flow. This not only lowers the high blood pressure level but also protects the heart.

Promotes healthy cholesterol level: Avocados are loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats. These healthy fats help in bringing down the bad cholesterol level in the human body. This lessens the chances of developing heart disease. Monounsaturated fats are also associated with lower triglyceride levels. Optimal triglyceride level can reduce the risk of heart diseases and fight inflammation.

Improves eye health:  The macular carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin are essential micro-nutrients for optimal eye health. A deficiency of them can accelerate age-related macular degeneration in older people. The lutein and zeaxanthin content in avocados can help you to reach your daily intake goal. This can help you protect your eyes from macular damage.

Benefits of Consuming Avocado during Pregnancy

Supports your joints: Carrying around a baby in you may be stressful on your joints. Very often, it can cause joint pain or other joint-related issues like loss of knee stability in pregnant women. The healthy fats in avocado act as a lubricant in joints and promote healthy cartilage. You can rely on avocados for healthy monounsaturated fats which can give you a strong and healthy joint.

Promotes baby’s development: Without an adequate amount of folate in your diet, you are risking the proper neural tube development of your baby. During the early pregnancy period, it is important to watch your dietary folate intake out for the sake of your baby’s brain development. Avocados can supply you with the amount of folate you may need to fulfil your daily folate requirement during the pregnancy period.

Improves mood: Mood swings and bad mood are pretty common among women in the early days of pregnancy. Folate is associated with improving depression. Low folate level can also reduce the efficacy of antidepressants. Avocados are a good dietary source of folate and can promote a good mood effectively.

Tasty Ways to Include Avocado in Your Diet

Avocados are commonly eaten fresh or in the form of guacamole. You can also use avocado oil for cooking or in salad dressings if you want the healthy fats from avocados without having to eat them. Here are some tips to make tasty avocado recipes:

  • Avocado toasts are the simplest (but tasty) way to include avocado in your diet. First, toast a slice of bread. Now, scoop out the avocado flesh in a bowl and mash it up with a fork. You can add peeled garlic or herbs to the mashed avocados. Top the toasted bread with this mixture and you are ready to go. You can also add a fried egg on top of your avocado toast.
  • Salad dressings made with avocados are way tastier and healthier than those store-bought ones. Just add some avocado slices, water, lime juice, Greek yoghurt, garlic, some herbs and salt in a blender and give it a twist. Your healthy avocado salad dressing will be ready within seconds.
  • Green smoothies with avocado in them are just another level of deliciousness. Blend some avocado slices, kale, banana, vanilla Greek yogurt and ice together and your green smoothie will be ready to drink. It will soothe your heart and soul during your pregnancy.

Fun Facts about The Avocado You Didn’t Know About

  • Avocados and cinnamon share the same family of plants.
  • California produces 90% of the avocados produced in the USA.
  • A single California avocado tree is capable of producing up to 200 pounds of avocados in a year which is almost 500 avocados a year.