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Health Benefits of Artichokes for Moms to-Be and Kids

Written by MKB Team | Sep 29, 2021 5:30:00 AM

Artichokes have been a part of the culinary culture of the ancient Greeks and Romans. The Greeks believed that it has its origin in Zeus who turned his beloved Cynara into an artichoke. 

Artichokes belong to the thistle group of the sunflower family. The name artichoke has derived from two northern Italian words: “articiocco” and “articoclos' '. Articoclos is the derivative of a Ligurian word “cocali '' which means a pine cone. Artichokes are also known as French artichokes or green artichokes. Pliny the Elder considered artichokes as beneficial for medicinal uses. Here is all the information you need to know about artichokes.

Nutritional Profile

100 gm of raw and uncooked artichokes have:

  • 84.9 gm water
  • 47 calories
  • 3.27 gm protein
  • 0.15 gm fat
  • 10.5 gm carbohydrate
  • 5.4 gm fiber
  • 370 mg potassium
  • 94 mg sodium
  • 44 mg calcium
  • 90 mg phosphorus
  • 11.7 mg Vitamin C
  • 68 mg folate
  • 464 mg lutein

The Many Benefits of Artichoke for Kids and Adults

Improves liver health: Non-alcoholic fatty liver is a very common liver disease affecting thousands of people. Studies have found that artichoke extract can improve the health of a non-alcoholic fatty liver. It can potentially protect the liver from any further damages and promote cell generation. Artichoke extract also promotes bile production in the liver. Bile helps the liver to detoxify itself.

Lowers high cholesterol level: High bad cholesterol or LDL level can invite heart disease and increases the chances of a heart attack. Artichokes have a compound called luteolin which prevents LDL build up in the human body. At the same time, it regulates cholesterol processing which ultimately lowers the level of bad cholesterol.

Regulates blood pressure: High blood pressure or hypertension is bad for your heart and overall health. Artichokes are a good source of potassium. Potassium is associated with easing the blood vessels. This can improve high blood pressure levels significantly.

Benefits of Consuming Artichokes during Pregnancy

Helps with digestive health: During your pregnancy, a good digestive system is what you should look for. Good digestion means a healthy you and a healthy baby. Artichokes are a rich source of dietary fiber, especially a fiber called inulin. Inulin acts as a prebiotic and promotes the growth of gut-friendly bacteria. With a healthy gut, you can get rid of indigestion and all other discomforts related to it.

Treats Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Irritable Bowel Syndrome can cause several discomforts like stomach pain, cramps, bloating, nausea and constipation. You want none of those during your pregnancy. Artichokes may ease the symptoms related to Irritable Bowel Syndrome as they have antispasmodic properties. It can also reduce inflammation effectively.

Fights allergies: Artichokes have quite a bit of folate. Folate is a vitamin of the B group and a very potent anti-inflammatory compound. Folate helps to reduce inflammation related to allergies and asthma. This can be very helpful for pregnant women. Folate is also beneficial for the development of the neural tube of your baby.

Tasty Ways to Include Artichokes in Your Diet

Artichokes are easy to cook and they can be eaten boiled, roasted, grilled or sautéed. Both the leaves and the heart of this vegetable can be consumed. Some of the tasty ways to include them in your diet are:

  • You can puff off the leaves of steamed artichokes and dip them into melted butter or sauce. It is as simple as that.
  • Making baked stuffed artichokes is another way of having them. Slice off the top of the artichokes to discard the choke. Now, stuff the leaves with cheese stuffing and bake the artichokes. You would not even need a dip for this recipe.
  • Creamy artichoke soup is not only good for your tastebuds; it will also warm your heart. Sauté the artichoke hearts, garlic and shallots in butter. Add stock, boiled and herbs to the sautéed vegetables. Let it simmer for some time and puree the mixture. Add some cream and more butter to make it creamier and smoother.
  • If you want some sweet and sour during your pregnancy, you can try making sweet and sour glazed artichokes. Cook some fresh artichoke hearts in olive oil along with some onion. Add salt, sugar and vinegar, and cook it for some more time. Your sweet and sour glazed artichoke is ready to eat.  

Fun Facts about Artichokes That You Didn’t Know About

  • Artichoke is an unbloomed flower and not a vegetable.
  • Artichokes are the number one vegetable in terms of antioxidant contents.