MomsKnowBest - The A-Z Of Childcare

Create A Positive Home Environment

Written by MKB Team | Nov 7, 2021 5:30:00 AM

How to create a positive home for your child?

Positivity is a state of mind which can change the way your kids deal with life. Want to ace the game of creating a positive home to raise your kids? Read on to find out how!


With more and more awareness being spread about mental health issues, it has come to the notice that everything almost stems from childhood. It means that if you want your child to be a happy and content adult then the ground work starts right here right now at home when they are little and full of life.

A positive environment allows them mental security and liberation in the home sphere that helps majorly in making them happy, strong and confident adults. Isn't that what you wish as well?

Let's understand how you can create a household that is positive and can help you and your child grow together to be stronger and mentally fit individuals!

1. It all begins with you

Yes, you! You need to be happy to make your household happy as well. Don't get so consumed in your work, household, children and daily life that you stop giving yourself time. Ignoring self-care is not good when you are trying to create a calm and positive household. Stress, frustration, mom guilt and discomfort is the first blow to a positive household, hence take a breather from being a superwoman and indulge in spending more quality time with yourself, your partner and friends.

2. Instill the importance of balancing life

It is good for your children to indulge in some me-time as well. Just as you need some, they too need to have a routine where they do pursue hobbies. Apart from that, good sleep and eating habits also help in making them happier humans. Make sure to teach this to our kids while they learn to master the art of balancing life.

3. Lead by example


Just the thing we are talking about in the last point. They will imitate you. Remember kids are like little monkeys who love to do what their parents do. Do try to practice good habits in front of them and watch them acquiring them without much difficulty and hassle.

4. Prioritize your marriage


Please don't forget you have a partner who deserves and requires your attention as well. Neglecting the relationship you have with your partner by being consumed with motherhood can create a rift between you two, and eventually, that can lead to cold vibes and indifference. That creates a huge impact on the children and overall atmosphere of the home as well. Loving parents are a great example and help to build strong individuals.

5. Create a comfortable nest


You need to keep your home tidy, decluttered and with that beautiful and merrier as well. Use soothing and pastel colours that reflect serenity along with that have positive interiors like wall paintings, books, and other decorative pieces that add coziness to your humble abode. The vibe of the home and inside the minds of the family. both are very important for a positive household.

6. Watch your words


As established, kids are very impressionable. Therefore, be mindful of the language you use with them and with your partner as well. Avoid fights in front of them and otherwise as well when kids are around. Try to have time out with your partner or for yourself when you think things are getting overwhelming. Try avoiding any kind of slur, cuss word or disrespectful tone to be used in front of the kids.

7. Make time for them

As much as distancing yourself from them time to time is necessary, spending quality time with them is essential with them. Nothing beats a kid up more than being deprived of the parents’ time.

8. What makes you angry?


What is that which brings the worst out of you? Recognise that and work on it. If it is a fault from your child’s end, make them aware as well that it is bothering you. Tell them why it is wrong. Communicate rather than bottling yourself up and hoping for them to magically understand your situation.

9. Acknowledge their mini-steps towards being a good kid.


If they put efforts to make amends and be good, acknowledge. Praising and rewarding them will push them to do more good and eventually, they will understand its importance too.

10. Build a healthy and growth-oriented mindset


Don’t push them into the league of competition but allow and ask them to grow their potential over time. They need not be masters today but they will exceed with time and patience if they put in hard work. This helps in creating strong blocks of self-esteem and instilling a positive approach towards life in the kids.

All these small steps will have a huge impact on your child’s mindset and will allow you to have a more healthy and supportive household in which your children will feel accepted and secure. Let us know if there are any other tips that you use to create a positive house.